Top Tips For A Happy And Healthy Cat by Rutha C. Guz

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December 6, 2012 - Cats are actually excellent pets, but taking care of them will not be free. After spending money on shots, toys, cat food, litter and grooming, you might feel like reconsidering your decision to own the cat. The following article will educate you on what you need to know about caring for the cat.

Don't let your cat near drape cords. If the cat becomes caught inside a loop, they could choke to death. This might hurt them or possibly cause death. To prevent this from happening, pin your drapes and hide them from sight.

Your furnishings and belongings can easily be ruined by a cat's claws. You ought to get a scratching post or perhaps a cat tower to prevent your cat from ruining your furniture. Use catnip or any other scents that are attractive to your kitty to inspire him to visit there. It might not happen overnight, but the problem should eventually stop.

In case your cat is excessively meowing, attempt to figure out why. You have to learn what their meows mean. They might want outside or may be hungry. Pay attention to what's she's attempting to tell you, and you will begin to understand her cues.

Your home furnishings can fall victim to your cat's sharp claws. In case your cat is ripping up and shredding your house, invest in a kitty tower or scratching post or cat repellent. They are able to scratch this instead. This solution usually takes time to take, but it will help in the end.

Attempt to figure out why your cat makes meowing sounds. Once you have coexisted with a pet cat for a long while, you're sure to figure out its meowing patterns. She could be signaling that she is hungry, or she might want to go outside. When you understand what each type of behavior indicates, you can improve your relationship.

Cats can have nocturnal tendencies. Which means that they're going to be running around more when it gets dark. Close your bedroom door if your cat is driving you nuts during the night. This will stop them from bothering you at night, and playing with your feet underneath the covers.

Cats enjoy heights. Raise your cat so that it can scan the area. If a big cat tree isn't something that can easily fit in your home, get a sturdy shelf that can be used as a perch. The kitty will especially appreciate it if you place a blanket on top.

Never reprimand your cat for missing the litter box. If your cat constitutes a mess, it's probably because their cat litter box is not properly cared for. Punishing your cat could cause him being afraid of you or their litter box.

Cats love high spots. Designating a high-up area where your cat can spend time and watch everything from will help him to feel comfortable. If you're averse to designs for some reason, a shelf without breakable items works. To make it really special, place a bed or blanket available online for too.

A battered appearance is not a good reason to discard a beloved cat condo or scratching post. To your cat the post is just right. Even if you throw it away and purchase a new one, your cat may go for tearing up your upholstery instead.

Try to feed your cat dry food whenever possible. Small kittens prosper on wet food, since their teeth are small. When the adult teeth develop, dry, hard food will help make teeth stronger. In case your kitty is especially finicky, you can try feeding him a mix of dry and wet food.

The foods you eat may not be very healthy for your pet. These foods include grapes, onions green tomatoes and garlic. These foods will cause indigestion or much worse for the cat. Your cat should also steer clear of milk products.

It is crucial that you never make the mistake of giving your cat any medications which are meant for human use. In case your cat is suffering from a medical problem, be sure and take them to a vet to obtain the proper medication. Your cat could become very sick or perhaps die when taking your medication.

Do not overfeed your cat since this can lead to a lot of health issues in the future. It can lead to obesity, diabetes along with other health related problems. Be sure they are not only eating balanced food, but that they are also eating appropriate proportions.

Due to their affectionate nature, their self-reliance, and their brains, cats are excellent animal companions. All cat owners should know how to care for their cats within the best ways. You need to use the tips you read in this article to look after your beloved new cat. Do this to ensure your cat comes with an enjoyable life.