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Not much to say about myself I think.
Lovely to be a member of eJcavROStp4 EjgWw1TPmn9myqRE1-NSGf4&height=179
I just wish I'm useful in some way .

my blog post Montreal A new CBC [Canadian Broadcasting Corporation miniseries tells how mental patients in Montreal were once subjected to CIA-sponsored brainwashing.recalls a series of barbaric experiments conducted on mental patients over a nine-year period beginning in 1955the psychic driving technique invented by psychiatrist Ewen Cameron took on a science-fiction quality when it was revealed in 1977 that the CIA had helped finance the work. The CIA thought it had potential as a brainwashing technique to be used on enemies of the United States during the Cold War.a human catastrophe that stripped more than 300 people of their identities.she sued Ottawa instead]